Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Letter: Workplace Advice

From a reader:

Dear Fragmatic,

I work for a small accounting firm where most of us sit in cubes. My coworkers spend at least an hour every morning talking about traffic and road construction delays. I can understand this coming up in conversation once in a while, but I can't imagine why it has to take an hour and happen every day. What can I do or say to get this to stop?

Signed, Frustrated in Fresno

Dear Frustrated,

The main issue here is that you have chosen a career field where people are naturally devoid of social skills. Sadly, it would seem you are the worst of the lot in the office, since everybody has daily conversations and you are unable to participate. The best solution for you is to try to get promoted to management. As a manager, your social failings can be easily re-interpreted as professional distance from the working class. Good luck!

- Frag